Gaming Center, Internet Cafe and Cyber Cafe Software

Internet Cafe Security
It’s Just Good Business…

Security First
Security equals safety in any business but this is especially true for a cyber cafe.
Major damage can occur silently, sometimes accidentally, from customers or even your own staff!
Here’s how Antamedia prevents such problems before they occur:
Antamedia’s Total System Protection (TSP)
Every employee has their own account (username and password) and their activity is logged, with the type of action they performed along with the exact time it occurred.
Each computer (“Client” machine) has software with additional passwords required for their administration, meaning even your staff cannot change or delete vital system files.

Antamedia restricts access to Ctrl+Alt+Del and other system keys, local drives, Internet Explorer settings, Control Panel, and ANY program window you choose, keeping your investments safe.
When inactive, all Internet Cafe Client machines are automatically locked with a protection screen.
Even if accessed, your server database is encoded and protected from unauthorized modifications.
The result is near bullet-proof security, yet despite Antamedia’s direct control over your computers it does happily runs alongside almost all brands of anti-virus software.
Staff and Customer Photo ID
In some jurisdictions it is necessary to prove identify, while some operations simply choose to do so for security or monthly memberships.
Antamedia Internet Cafe Software makes this easy – it can store scanned documents, such as passports, ID cards, or driver licenses for verification purposes. You can use photos too, Antamedia imports member photos from web cameras, scanners, or any other twain device.
Reboot Protection
Antamedia HotSpot is licensed per location you will be issuing accounts from. If you’re happy to keep everything central you just need a single license, at only $199.
The built-in database server means you do not have to purchase or lease any external database software such as SQL or Oracle, saving you even more and making it easier to expand in the future. Hotspot will integrate with any existing software, so no re-training costs either.
Every Client disconnection from the Server is processed and your customers’ bills are maintained.
That means disconnected network cables cannot extend customer session beyond their defined time, protecting your profits.

Now that you know your hardware and profits are protected, check out the many other ways Antamedia helps your internet cafe business – then download a free, fully-functional demo!
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