Gaming Center, Internet Cafe and Cyber Cafe Software

Gaming Center Software

Antamedia Internet Cafe software helps you to manage easily your gaming café business with a necessary features for both PC and console control.
It protects your client PCs from customer misuse, blocking access to the sensitive files, OS, Registry tools, Run and Find command, Windows control panel, Printers and Faxes, network neighbor, minimizing maintenance time.
Game consoles like Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Wii, etc are really popular in the gaming world, especially if you use them on big LCD or plasma screens.
Antamedia Internet Cafe software, besides basic client PC computer control, has an ability to control game consoles with manual timing , calculate the time used on billiards and control the orders from the tables.
Licence key management
Gaming Center usually offers the latest video games which require High-End client computers with really strong graphic cards and processors.
Original PC games, especially the latest ones, are really big cost for your company if you plan to offer a game on each of client computers.
Licence key management feature provided by Antamedia Internet Cafe software is a solution that saves money for you company. It transfers game licence key on a computer where the game is started and allows you to install the game on each of client PCs in the gaming cafe, even if you buy just a few game licenses.
User Profiles
This is another useful Gaming Center software option which creates a backup of the user files, saved game positions, downloaded pictures, files and every other file types you configure.
For a gaming cafe it’s a necessary feature as it helps your customers save game positions and restore them the next time user logs in. It’s not tied to a computer, files will be restored on any logged in computer.

VIP Account Tickets
A lot of different pricing methods in Gaming Center software allow you to make VIP account tickets with the special discount price for your Café regular customers.
Moreover, you can charge different prices depending on the games or programs used by customers.
With Antamedia Internet Cafe software you can print pre-paid accounts in advance and give to your employees, hotel receptions or town newsagents` to sell those accounts.
Another thing that you can do for your VIP members is to give them access smart cards. Using smart cards your customer does not need to remember their account login details (username and password), everything he or she needs to do is to plug-in an access card to a card reader connected with the client computer.
End Session Warning

While playing the game, gamers usually lose the sense about playing time.
Internet Cafe software server sends a message to a client computer before the time of the account expires, so your customer – player has enough time to extend the account.
User can send a chat message to your employees in order to extend the user account, or might even buy a refill ticket to extend the existing account when it expires.
Power Saving
Computer video games sometimes take too much resources and this makes computer slow after game playing.
“Reset client after session end” option, included in Internet Cafe software, always secures the state of freshness for a computer and the next login and user.
This option reboot client computer when the user finishes with game play.

Similar option “Shutdown client after session end” that shutdowns client computer when the user finishes, also secures fresh computer for next user.
Another excellent thing of that option is power saving when you do not have customers to play.
Connect all Your Cafes for a Single Account Login
If you own few gaming cafes on different locations, Internet Cafe software has an ability to connect them in the network and share their account database. With this option customers authentication accounts can be used in any connected cafe meaning that your customer can use it in your another gaming café, even if he buys it on totally different location.
Internet Cafe server login accounts have different user rights. Login accounts with administrator user rights, that usually cafe owners use, has an access to every option that Internet Cafe software has. Employee account thus has limited rights, so you can disable the access to some setup pages or options. For example Internet Cafe software has an ability to hide statistics from your employees, disable option of deleting items from the customer bill, disable customers account modification etc.
Integrated language module gives you an ability to translate Internet Cafe software and makes it suitable for any world location.
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