Gaming Center, Internet Cafe and Cyber Cafe Software

Cyber Cafe Software

Cyber Cafe is a place that offers customers hi-speed internet access, computer video games and other interesting and useful services considering the world of computers.
Antamedia Internet Cafe software is a program that helps you easily manage your Internet Café business.
CyberCafe software has an ability to protect your client PCs from customers eventual wrong computer use and it takes special care about your Internet Cafe Business profit.
Three important questions:
What do we offer? Why are we special? Why choosing Antamedia?
Seven facts and answers to these questions are:
• Fact no 1
Cyber Cafes, that usually offer only internet access, do not need High-End client computers. Therefore, the first point, in this kind of Internet café business, is to provide excellent Hi-Speed Internet connection. Every customer would like to work with and in his or her favorite Internet browser which leads us to the conclusion that allowing different Internet browsers (like Firefox, Opera, Netscape etc.) and making them available within your Internet Cafe management software are pretty much required thing here. Further more, Antamedia Internet Cafe software gives you an option to add more types of Internet software like Messengers (MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Skype etc.), Download managers (Flashget, Getright etc.) and many other programs are.
• Fact No 2
Antamedia Internet Cafe software can be used to control different kind of programs (Video games, Internet and Office software etc.) with a special ability to charge various prices per certain program group. With this option specific program group could be charged more and less than other program group or groups. Internet Cafes usually offer only the internet access and some basic windows programs, Internet Cafe software can be used to disable computer games and allow only programs required for the Internet to be active. With this Cyber Cafe software you have an ability to choose which programs your customer can use on your computer
• Fact No 3
Privacy and secured Internet use is one of the most important spheres for your customer. Most of less experienced computer users do not know that each computer has a session history and that everything remains stored there. Our product – Antamedia Internet Cafe software has a great feature of clearing history of visited web sites , deleting internet temporary files at the end of client computer using. It is simply and automatically done after your a user finishes with computer services. In the case that your customer does not close the used programs before finishing with computer use, Internet Cafe software will close all the programs automatically and make computer fresh for your next customer.
• Fact No 4
Internet users usually download different files from the Internet. With Internet Cafe software it’s possible to disable Save options in Internet browser or any other software. Other solution is to hide hard drive partitions with installed operation system and important document files and leave only one drive partition for your customers to download the desired files. Internet Cafe software can start batch file ( on the start or end of client computer use and executes the commands. Batch file can be used for deleting files that your customer previously saved in a specified hard drive partition or folder (Download folder, Documents and settings etc.)
• Fact No 5
Sometimes your customer would like to print downloaded document or burn it on CD or DVD. Internet Cafe software plug-in named ‘printer tracker’ continually control client computers and detect if anything is printed. In this case, automatically certain amount of money for printed documents is added to the customers bill.
• Fact No 6
Using integrated ‘Point of Sale’ module in Internet Cafe software you can additionally charge for CD burning or even sell empty compact disk or flash drive. ‘Point of Sale’ module also can be used to sell any kind of item including drink, food… charge for different services offered in your Internet café etc.
• Fact No 7
One of the most important options for Internet cafes that offers Internet access is bandwidth control. Antamedia Bandwidth Manager can be integrated with Antamedia Internet Cafe management software, has an ability to limit the speed of downloading and uploading, and customers can be granted with limited or unlimited bandwidth quota (data to transfer). Another important option in Internet Cafe software, related with the Internet access, is the ability to additionally charge if your customer downloads more then it was previously specified. If your customer exceeds permissive bandwidth quota, additional amount of money for exceeded bandwidth will be automatically charged.
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